If you’re not already a subscriber, make it a point to subscribe to The Quilt Pattern Magazine as one of my original designs is featured in the August 2015 issue – a table topper titled “Garden Veggies”!
I had my “Garden Veggies” table topper sitting on our coffee table one day. Our second-born daughter looked at it and said she really liked it. She asked me what the name of it was…I told her “Garden Veggies”. She studied it for a minute and then let out a laugh. She said, “Okay, Mom, this fabric is a perfect representation of our garden! This fabric (center w/dots) are those exploding tomato plants Dad planted, that grew over six feet tall. And this yellow is the crook-neck squash, the green is the zucchinis and the brownish/orange-ish fabric is the sweet potatoes.”
Can you see what she sees?

Truly a whole lot of bang for your buck if you are a subscriber to The Quilt Pattern Magazine. I’ve enjoyed every single issue, whether I have a submission in it or not!
The fabric for this project was sponsored by Abbi May’s Fabric Shop, where ALL fabric is at least 10% off retail EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!