Is time for’s annual “Christmas in July” free quilt project pattern fun! All of the weekly patterns will be either table toppers or table runners…and should be easy enough for a beginner as well as more advanced quilters. All of the fabric for our “Christmas in July 2014” was donated by!

Here is a photo of last week’s table topper:

Watching Snowflakes from a Window designed by TK Harrison for
AND, there’s a prize offered for each “Christmas in July” week’s patterns. Christmas in July 2014 at is offering a weekly prize of a five-pack sampler of Aurifil thread! All you have to do is to put together the weekly Christmas in July patterns and send a photo of it to us at to qualify to be entered into a random drawing for this sampler of Aurifil thread! Your photo *must* be submitted by 12 o’clock midnight CST on Monday evenings for that week’s quilted project. You ONLY have to finish the quilt project top. Each week, the designs for 2014 will be table toppers and table runners. By submitting your photo to us, you give express permission to use the photo(s) to promote Christmas in July 2014 at

Quilted Blessings and good luck to all who enter to win Aurifil’s thread sampler packet!