I really do not like to call attention to myself for sharing the talents and gifts I have been gifted with and then paying it forward with donations. I believe we are to give without calling attention to ourselves. But a goal was reached this year, despite everything, and I am extremely happy that I was able to do what I set out to do. My goal was to make a quilt top a month for our church’s Lutheran World Relief quilt efforts. I didn’t do it alone. Far from it. My secret special person, who has sent me $20 a month since I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease four years ago, played a part in this goal. I used most of those funds from 2014 to purchase fabric with. My foster mother played a part in this goal. She visited our house in November and she pieced three of the quilt tops for me. My family played a part in this goal. They allowed me the time to cut and sew these quilt tops together. And with every single quilt top I pieced, I prayed for whomever and whatever was on my mind – it is always my special time to reach out to God with each stitch I made.
A goal was reached. By me. In the four years since my diagnosis, I have not been able to make a goal and fulfill it. Too many distractions, too many doctor’s appointments, too many extracurricular activities, too many painful days – all of that adds up to not enough time, energy or gumption for me to deal with any goals I may have had.

One goal down, hopefully many more to follow.