My sister site,, has been in existence since 2006. The same time that this blog has been online. In all those years, I’ve had numerous quilt guilds, quilt groups and individuals ask me for permission to use my patterns. I always agree, giving them two conditions:
- You must give out my URL to each member who is participating in the project. If that isn’t feasible (usually because the members aren’t computer literate), when you print and/or copy my pattern, my website URL and copyright remain intact on the paperwork you hand out to those who are making my patterns.
- Send me a photograph (either a physical one or one attached to an email) of the finished products, with permission to post them here on my blog and/or on my’s website.
And in the past 12 years, NOT. ONE. SINGLE. quilt group or guild has sent me a photograph. Not one!
That is until a couple of months ago. There is a quilt guild in Canada who’s using one of my patterns, with the same conditions and permissions I’ve sent to numerous people throughout the past 12 years, as a mystery quilt. I do not want to name which pattern as, gee, it’s a mystery! I was flabbergasted when I received a photograph of the first set of blocks that they made! Speechless! I will show you the blocks after they’ve made three, so in two more months.
The other pattern by a group of quilters in Canada used “Botanical Beauty,” my 2016 block of the month quilt located at
The quilt tops shown below were all made by the Haldimand Quilter’s Guild at Hagersville, Ontario, Canada
(ED: Don’t mind the wrinkles, it’s just the way the quilt tops were held when they were photographed.)