“MS Pillars of Strength” Quilt Block
As part of my American Quilter “A Year of Giving” series of articles throughout AQ’s 2016 magazines, I have had the distinct pleasure of communicating with some wonderful quilters about the charities they represent. I have also been humbled when those charities ask *me* for a contribution toward drawing in more quilters by designing quilt blocks for their volunteers.
My March 2016 article focused on “Quilting for Multiple Sclerosis.” While I have vowed that I will not speak of the struggles I (and my family) have faced personally from my MS, it still remains a subject that is near and dear to my heart. And definitely worthy of my time to pursue as a charity.
For my “Quilt Blocks for MS” (a Facebook Group) contribution, I designed a quilt block using my own Sew n’Slash™ quilt method to make my “MS Pillars of Strength” quilt blocks. Orange is the predominant color because that is the color associated with MS. But purple and green are also colors we associate with MS so those were the three main colors I stuck with for my quilt blocks.
- MS Pillars of Strength Quilt Block
- MS Pillars of Strength Quilt Block
You can download my free pattern for this quilt block by clicking on either one of the photographs above.
Our quilt makes quilt blocks for MS patients.
What is the address that we can send these blocks to be made into quilts?
Thank you.
Lansing Area Patchers
Donna Lator
I have sent you an email, Donna, in response to your question. Thank you and your guild for making quilt blocks for MS patients!
Diagnosed with MS in 2017 – progressing very fast. I also quilt or try to. MS keeps away from it so often. But, I am so glad I found this page.
I would love to be able to make an MS quilt
Deanna: I have sent you an email. TK Harrison