Quilted Kitchen: Yankee Star Quilt Block & Yankee’s Crisp-Chewy Waffle Iron Brownies
Cutting Requirements for 12″ finished block (precise 1/4″ seam allowance):
- White: Cut TWO (2) 7 1/4″ squares. Then cut the squares diagonally, corner-to-corner, TWO (2) times. You will end up with FOUR (4) triangles per square.
- Dark Pink: Cut TWO (2) 7 1/4″ squares. Then cut the squares diagonally, corner-to-corner, TWO (2) times. You will end up with FOUR (4) triangles per square.
Yankee Star Quilt Block Diagram
Yankee’s Crisp-Chewy Waffle Iron Brownies Free Recipe from New England Today Food!
Quilted Kitchen: Yankee Star Quilt Block & Yankee’s Crisp-Chewy Waffle Iron Brownies — No Comments
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