Fulfilling my 2014 Goals…One Project at a Time
I wrote about my 2014 charity quilt goals here. I have now made three quilts for our church’s support of the Lutheran World Relief. I should have 12 of them done by the time the quilt ladies at church set aside two weeks at the beginning of each February to make and finish their quilts. Thus far, these three are what I have made:

LWR Quilt #1 for February 2014

LWR Quilt #2 for March 2014

LWR Quilt #3 for April 2014
Took the bull by the horns this month and got one of my three charity quilts completed…instead of waiting until the last minute as I did in March <blush>. Happy as a quilt bug in a quilted rug!
Fulfilling my 2014 Goals…One Project at a Time — No Comments
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