Do you ever design a quilt that’s out of the norm of your usual quilt designs – and then find just the right fabric to make it with? And then, after sewing everything together, you realize you actually fell in love with said design because the blocks are undeniably beautiful and the finished quilt takes your breath away?
Yeah. That’s been my experience with “Botanical Beauty,” a 2016 block of the month quilt I designed for
I am not anything near a modern quilter…or a modern quilt designer. But this “Botanical Beauty” has just about made me a convert to the usage of reducing the visual noise of quilt fabric with white. I didn’t parlay the true spirit of modern quilts as their basis runs more toward using a muted color in the white spaces and the color where the white would normally go.
Without further ado…here is “Botanical Beauty” from

And these are the three blocks whose instrucitons have been revealed to-date:

Block #1

“Botanical Beauty” Block #2

“Botanical Beauty” Block #3