Sometime in November 2014, one of my daughter’s friend’s mother asked if I would make a t-shirt quilt for her graduating daughter (whom I’ll call T). I was still having side effects from the failed MS therapy so was not ready to commit to doing anything that required a timeline. I had so much to do already and no gumption to do any of it. I did not relay this info to the mother because I had no idea when I would come out from my funk and be rearing to quilt again. I basically ignored the question.
In January 2015, I found out our friends were coming near where we live and wanted to get together for lunch. They also wanted to see the t-shirt quilt I was making for their daughter and son-in-law. Except, all I’d done on that quilt was stabilize the t-shirts and cut them to-size. And buy the fabric. I had to work fast and furious, over the course of a week, to get that quilt top finished. And I did it!
A week or two later, I found a paper sack on my cutting table. I knew I didn’t put it there so started asking around the house. Finally, my daughter said her friend’s mom sent the bag home with her, to give to me. As I peered inside, I saw t-shirts. This was the t-shirt quilt I ignored. UGH
Another week or two later, I decided to take a look at what T’s mom sent. As I pulled out the t-shirts, they weren’t what I expected. T has been in the one-act play group at school and I expected her play t-shirts. What I got, instead, were camp t-shirts. Summer camp t-shirts. Church summer camp t-shirts. I pulled them out of the bag, not paying attention to anything on them except for the years. I had t-shirts from the summer of 2007 through 2014.
And once again, I did nothing more with them.
Until I realized I didn’t have a whole lot of time to finish the quilt top and it was way past time when T’s mom could hire someone else to make the t-shirt quilt.
I start going through the shirts and really paying attention to them because I need to figure out what will and won’t work for the quilt and the sizes they need to be.
While reading the shirts, I came across this on a shirt:

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now have in the flesh, I have by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20
This is what I call a “God Moment” in my life. You see, I was confirmed at the end of my ninth-grade school year and each of the confirmands in my grade had to choose a Bible verse that they felt suited them. Then we had to memorize it and recite it to the congregation during our confirmation church service. THIS was my Bible verse. I can still recite this verse from memory – and its meaning continues to speak to me, about me.
There was absolutely no doubt in my mind, after seeing this verse on one of those t-shirts, that I was meant to make this t-shirt quilt for T.