I was searching for some fabric on my overflowing fabric stash shelves and came across these two small samples I had made some time in the past. I believe it was when I first received my AccuQuilt studio cutter and I wanted to play with the shapes of the dyes.

I emailed the lady in charge of our quilt group at our church, attaching these two photos, and asked her if she had any use for them. I knew the ladies made larger quilts for their Lutheran World Relief projects as well as giving quilts to graduates…but wasn’t sure of who else they made quilts for and if they had any need for these 40 1/2″ squares.
Wouldn’t you know, she said absolutely – and anything else I came up with in my searching, regardless of whether it was the sizes of the above pieces or just single blocks. And then I hung my head in shame…knowing that now I would feel compelled to go through those shelves to find more.
But, I did it…at least as far as I could get it done as I couldn’t reach all of my shelves (oh yeah is the day that I am able to get into my quilt studio and be able to access whatever I needed, whenever I needed it)!
I came up with nearly a full paper sack of this-n-that to give to the quilters. And when I went to pick up the kids from Sunday school on Sunday morning, I saw the quilt-lady-in-charge carrying that bag to her car. Guess she wanted to see what I sent before sharing it with the rest of the ladies!
And as an added bonus, most of my shelves are now cleared of items I would not use again so when my studio is complete, I won’t have as much to cull as I would if I hadn’t found these first two samples!