
Quilted Kitchen: Rocky Road Quilt Block & Rocky Road Candy Recipe — 6 Comments

  1. Patricia: I can appreciate where you’re coming from, however it would be an impossible task for me to go back through ALL of the free quilt block patterns that I have posted on my blog, and add a quilt design to each and every one of them. But I can certainly add a simple design going forth so you and others can see what a quilt would look like.

  2. When I am not sure how a block will look when repeated I draw it out on graph paper and colour it in. Say 3 blocks by 3 blocks.

  3. Sue: Each quilt block is 12″ square finished so you would need FOUR (4) columns of quilt blocks (vertically) and FIVE (5) rows of quilt blocks (horizontally). That would create a quilt that’s 48″ x 60″ unless you added sashing and/or borders. I have set you up with both a image of a quilt that measures what you’ve asked about ( as well as the fabric requirements ( You probably won’t find the same names of the fabrics anymore since those fabrics have long gone out of print but I’m sure you’ll be able to find something more to your liking when you go to sew your quilt together! If you have further questions, please use my contact form so that I can give you much more individualized attention.

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