I have written a number of times about Aurifil and how great the company is for sponsoring so many of my quilt designs at BOMquilts.com over the past few years. There are no other thread manufacturers I’ve ever contacted who have done as much for my quilts and my quilt website audiences than Aurifil has. And their thread is beyond reproach. I use it in my domestic sewing machine, in my embroidery/sewing machine and in my longarm. It looks GOOD on me! AND my quilts!
They have also been very generous to send me sample packages of their threads, to be gifted through this blog or my websites. Winners love them and everyone loves to be a winner!

So it should come as no surprise to anyone that once again, Aurifil has stepped up to the plate, with just a simple request from me.
If you are a subscriber or reader of the American Quilter magazine (or this blog), you know that I have a year’s worth of articles in their 2016 issues, with each article falls under the umbrella of “A Year of Giving” and each article focuses on quilters who quilt or sew for lesser known charities.
In the July 2016 issue of AQ, my article is called “No Foster Child Left Behind” and the goal is for quilters to make quilts for foster children.
After the magazine was published, I received an email from a social worker in New York who said she and three current and/or former social workers started their own little quilt guild, making quilts only for foster children. And since they worked directly with those foster kids, they could give them quilts without having to go through any agency, jump through hoops or deal with red tape. What a fabulous group of ladies!!!
But it pulled at my heartstrings, too. Social workers in general get a bad rap. Some deserve it but many do not. They have a job to do and that is to make sure foster children are placed in loving homes, maybe even forever homes. Or reunitied with their parents, if possible. And on top of their jobs, they get together to bring quilts to those they serve – those who truly deserve them the most.
So when I received that email from the social worker, the first thing I did was put a plan into motion. I wanted to reach out to my professional contacts and see if they would donate product to this little quilt guild. And the first person I contacted was Alex, the brand jedi of Aurifil threads. I had a simple request, asking if Aurifil could donate some thread to this quilt guild and within 24-hours, he responded “YES, what is her shipping information?” Didn’t ask me what the name of the quilt guild was. Didn’t ask me for more information. Didn’t hesitate to respond in the affirmative.
There are many more reasons why Aurifil is my thread of choice…but when it comes right down to it, Aurifil is just amazing!