I am not one of those quilt designers who designs a pattern and just gives you an image of the quilt from my EQ7 to look at. If at all possible, I will always make the quilt – especially for making sure the pattern is written correctly. Not to mention that I design quilts that I truly LIKE and want to share them with not just my BOMquilts.com audience, but I also get to share the physical quilt with someone special. Nine times out of 10, I know exactly who the quilt will be gifted to when I’ve finished designing it – and the 10th time, I know who the quilt will be gifted to by the time I’ve finished the quilt. No quilt goes without a loving home!
Enter my “Chocolate Cake and Roses” six-month BOM quilt from BOMquilts.com. I didn’t know who to give it to, didn’t have a plan when I started making it or even halfway through the construction of the quilt top – although there were a number of folks who wanted me to pick them for the quilt! As far as I was concerned, it would be lovingly saved until the perfect recipient could be determined…because there was definitely someone special that I needed to gift the quilt to, but I did not know who that was quite yet.

This luscious quilt was finished a couple of weeks ago, and with the last stitch that was placed, the gift recipient immediately was determined. I am not going to reveal who will get the quilt, so suffice it to say it is someone who is deserving of it, who will love it for many years and who will enjoy being wrapped up in each loving quilted stitch.
Do you make quilts for yourself? For someone who needs them? For someone who wants them? Or for your own trunk shows? Inquiring quilting minds want to know!