“Pendleton Inspired” Going Into the Home Stretch
My “Pendleton Inspired” 2013 block of the month quilt at BOMquilts.com is nearing the end. What a fun quilt to work on, and the fabric is so luscious!
Unfortunately, I got behind early in the game and it took a few months for me to catch up with my blocks. But now? All 12 of the blocks are completed, though the instructions for the final block will not be posted until January 22nd.
I have also put the entire quilt together and let me just say, it’s fanquiltastic! It will definitely keep someone warm on a cold night, with the quilt to snuggle with and a delicious cup of hot cocoa.
Let me also take this time to thank the co-sponsors of this quilt – AbbiMays.com and Aurifil threads. Go ahead, check out what they have to offer to show them some love!
Keep watching for Block 12 and the final instructions at BOMquilts.com – you never know, they may show up earlier than expected!
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