Items Needed:
- Plastic paint palette holder
- 4″ in diameter circle template
- Nine (9) fabrics (or however many are needed for the paint palette you choose)
- Needle and thread
- Fluffy stuffing (fiberfill)
- Hot glue gun and glue

There are nine (9) outer circular spaces in my paint palette so I chose nine (9) fabrics. In this instance, charm 5″ squares were perfect!

My 4″ in diameter circle template was this plastic cup. Trace around your template on the BACK side of each fabric.

Circles traced.

Cut each circle out of your fabrics.

Circles cut.

With the right side of the fabric facing you, take your needle and thread and begin sewing 1/4″ stitches about 1/4″ from the edge of each circle (like a basting stitch). I chose to double the thread for strength. Be sure to leave a 2″ or longer length of thread at the beginning and ending of your sewing so you have enough to tie together.

Circles sewn.

After your circles are all stitched, pull out nine small but equal handfuls of your fluffy stuffing. You want each of your pincushions to be roughly the same size so it works best to pull all of the little piles at one time.

Stuff your nine circles and close them with the craft knot (tutorial shown here). Just for added strength, I tied off my threads with two craft knots and then a granny square knot. After all of your little bundles are tied, manipulate the fluffy stuffing so each one is uniform in shape.

Finally, using your hot glue and hot glue gun, adhere your little fluffy stuffed fabric circles to the outside perimeter individual paint circles of your paint palette! The center of the paint palette is for needles or buttons or whatever small sewing items you want to place in that storage area!