The wonderful and tireless ladies at our home church began their two-week Lutheran World Relief (LWR) quilting today…and they will quilt for two solid weeks. Many of them will be at the church from early in the morning until late at night. ALL of them are dedicated to a worthwhile cause and our church is always so (sew?) pretty when their two-week LWR quilt-a-thon is finished as they hang all of the quilts over the pews, the communion rails and anywhere else they can find to hang them so the congregation can enjoy their beautiful colors before they are boxed up and sent to their new home.
I have never been able to join them while they quilt. First it was because I was the main breadwinner in our family and then, once I was diagnosed with MS, there is no way I can handle the hustle and bustle, chaos, movements and noises from the group. So, I felt compelled to help in SOME way that would not affect an exacerbation of my MS symptoms.
I decided I could donate fabric to the cause! I already had one LWR quilt sewn but had lost it in my sewing room and recently uncovered it so that went into my donation box along with some fabrics. Then, my MIL was going to our little town’s quilt group a few weeks ago and she mentioned my request to the ladies in the group. And, as with most things that have meaning and quilted hearts – the word spread like wildfire and the next thing you know is I had over 200 yards of fabric for our home church LWR ladies!

Donated fabric filled up the back end of my Suburban.

A few of our church quilt ladies and one of the men who helps his wife.
ALL of the ladies were very appreciative of the donations – downright GIDDY, actually! And I was happy that I could do what little I did to help them along in their LWR quilt-a-thon journey.